

Flowers of the Deep

Flowers of the Deep
On sale

36 page full colour A5 photozine. It tells part of a story through my images, of real places as well as those constructed via artificial intelligence. Unlike the other zine in this set (Bitter Waters, Fallen Star), this one has hardly any words, but this one helps explain what the other one means. Maybe? Answers on a postcard.

The story has pushed its way into my mind through recurring dreams that go back to the 1990s. More of the story is told in "Bitter Waters, Fallen Star" and will be elaborated on in future projects, including a role-playing game - assuming I sell enough of these to cover my costs.

There's only one picture on display here as I use the cheap version of this shopping site! More pics available on request though. Also, international postage is a bit spicy - you can thank Brexit for that one